Title 2
Chapter 1. Oath of Office
Section 2.101. Oath of office.
The oath of office is:
"I solemnly swear that I shall honor, uphold and protect the
Constitution and laws of the State, and that I dedicate myself to perform my
public duties faithfully in the public interest to the best of my abilities. So
help me God."
Section 2.102. Administration of oath.
An oath of office taken
pursuant to this chapter is administered by persons in the following positions
in descending order, depending on their availability:
(a) Chief Justice of the State Court;
(b) Associate Justices of the State Court, in order of seniority;
(c) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Federated States of Micronesia;
(d) Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the Federated States of Micronesia, in the order of seniority;
(e) any other judge;
(f) the Governor, in the case of a position in the Executive; the Speaker, in the case of a Senator; the Speaker or the Governor, upon their consultation and agreement in the case of positions in the Judiciary, agencies, municipal governments, and all other public offices for which an oath of office is required.
Section 2.103. Oath ceremony.
An oath of office is
administered in a public setting of solemnity following at least 24 hours public
notice by the Governor of the time, place and subject of the ceremony.
Section 2.104. Affirmation.
A person taking the oath of office provided in Section 2.101 may elect to substitute the word "affirm" for the
word "swear", and to omit the words "So help me God".
Section 2.105. Irregularity.
An irregularity in the
administration of an oath of office does not invalidate a subsequent act of the
person who took the oath.