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Part 1.0 General Provisions
1.1 Authority : These regulations have been promulgated by the Chuuk State Health Care Plan Board of Trustees pursuant to Section 2.14 of the Chuuk State Law No. 2-94-06 as amended. These regulations and any further amendments thereto shall be binding on all persons performing any specified functions relating to the Procurement Bidding System for the purposes of the act.
1.2 Purpose. The purpose of these regulations is to have the Board established a Procurement Bidding System to enable the Board of Trustees of the Chuuk State Health Care Plan to procure needed materials, supplies and equipment at minimum cost and for better control on quality of goods and services. It is also the intent of the Board to minimize its spending on supplies and equipment and stay within its funding limit.
Part 1.3
Regulatory Controls.
Part 1.3.1 All Board purchases exceeding $1,000 will be on the bidding system.
Part 1.3.2 Bidding will be performed on a quarterly basis by the Executive Director or by his/her designee, except for bona fide emergency which will be handled on a case by case basis by the Executive Director at the approval of the Board.
Part 1.3.3 Exception. The exceptions to the bidding system are as follows:
(1) Purchase of POL from Mobil Oil
(2) When no source is available locally and only one source is available outside of Chuuk State for certain items, the Executive Director must certify the non availability of an item locally and the existence of only one source outside of Chuuk State.
(3) Purchase of common office supplies and materials such as writing pads, duplicating papers, paper clips, staples, pencils etc.
Part 1.3.4 Requisition for the above will be approved by the Executive Director.
Part 1.3.5 The Board must ensure that the Bidding System is not circumvented by these category of purchases.
Part 1.3.6 Competitive bids are to be solicited and the lowest bid will be accepted providing that the vendor can meet the specified terms and quality standard and delivery schedule.
Part 1.3.7 The quality of goods ordered must meet stated specifications.
Part 1.3.8 Bidding will be on a quarterly basis except as directed by the Board. The quarterly bidding shall be submitted to the Board no later than 30 days prior to the needed 40 days processing time if necessary. This is needed for planning and to meet requirements of these regulations.
Part 1.3.9 Bids shall be by quality and quantity. Generic names will be used in bidding unless certain supplies, materials and equipment have been standardize as to make for procurement.
Part 1.3.10 Preference to citizen bidders will be 15% higher than the non-citizen bidders.
Part 1.3.11 Every bid submitted shall consider the use of multi delivery schedule as opposed to bulk delivery and contain a recommendation whether storage and other more practical. The CSHCP Executive Director shall be responsible to provide such information.
Part 1.3.12 Every bid proposed for the Board shall contain provisions for public advertisement off-island whether through establishment or a mailing list for potential vendor and/or e-mail, news paper and TV advertisements.
Part 1.3.13 Officers and employees of the Plan or those directly involved in the materials and equipment shall not have any direct interest or receive funds directly from any potential or actual bidder or vendor.
Part 1.3.14 The Executive Director shall have support staff to administer the bidding program under his/her direction in accordance with the act. The support staff shall be responsible for developing procedures for and terms and conditions of bidding for approval of the Board.
Part 1.3.15 Establishment of Committee on Bidding System.
A Committee is established by the Board to carryout the
requirements of the Bidding System. Members of the Committee are: Vice
Chairman of the Board (Chairman), the Plan Administrative Officer,
and the Executive Secretary of the Board.
Part 1.3.16. Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee on Bidding System
(1) Receives and reviews bids from vendors,
(2) Awards the winner of the bid,
(3) Shall double check the supplies, materials and equipment purchased to ensure that they are the right items and the right quality as listed on the bid,
(4) Should have a periodic review of the efficiency of the system and make recommendations to the Board,
(5) Should employ technical assistance for thorough review of the system.
(6) Prescribes forms when necessary for the implementation and improvement of the system.
These regulations shall become effective upon the approval of the Governor of the State of Chuuk.
Adopted by: /s/
Board of Trustees
Approved by: /s/ Governor
Chuuk State
Date: 5-09-01 Date: 5/16/01
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